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Make Your Marketing Work This Holiday Season

For retail businesses, the holidays offer ample opportunity to boost sales with increased marketing efforts. Other businesses may struggle with ways to take advantage of this festive season.

Think about why someone would need your business during the holidays. People receive a lot of marketing messages during the holiday season so you will have to get creative. Consider the following holiday marketing tips to increase sales.

Wrap up your products and services.
Consumers are in a buying frenzy during the holidays, and frankly none of us have time to think. Take advantage of this opportunity by offering holiday packages that bundle your products and services with special pricing. This allows you to put your popular items with other products that you may want to unload.

Give the gift of time.
We’re all busy this time of year. Businesses that increase customer service during this hectic season stand to benefit. Offer delivery of your products and services beyond your normal service. Increase your support hours to reflect the fact that retail establishments are keeping customers out later.

Celebrate the twelve days.
Feature a product each day leading up to the holidays by offering a special price. Speaking of price, consider big year-end discounts. People are looking for ways to meet budgets, but are often intrigued to get something for themselves while purchasing gifts on their list.

Give thanks to loyal customers.
Current customers are integral to your business so show them how much you appreciate them. The most cost-effective solution is to send a hand-written thank you note. For your best customers, consider a personalized gift. Or send them something from your business family to theirs such as a recipe collection from your employees and customers or a digital photo frame loaded with pictures of your staff that they can reuse.

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